
The museum offers several activities and workshops aimed to children and teenagers. In spite of the school grades suggested below, nearly all activities can be fitted to different ages.
In order to deepen the subjects from a historical, scientific or sociocultural point of view, teachers can book two more 2 hour-meetings at school.

Nursery schools

Silk and its legends
2hs’guided visit and workshop
what is silk and where does it come from?
By listening to, and performing some old legends about silk,children will be able to know its origin and spread. They will also “meet” the silk worm and be asked to draw it.

Primary / Junior secondary schools

The workshop activities may vary according to seasons.
The mulberry tree
2hs’guided visit and workshop
What kind of tree is a mulberry? What was its use in the past?
By using magnifiers and microscopes students will observe the characteristics of some types of mulberries, their leaves and branches.
Life cycle, breeding and industrial use of silk worm
2hs’guided visit and workshop
An itinerary to discover the silk worm’s cycle, the various stages of its breeding and the main industrial processings of cocoons. Students will observe both worms and cocoons through magnifiers and microscopes.
Discovering the magic of weaving
2hs’guided visit and workshop
Students will experience weaving techniques thanks to a skilled weaver’s help: they will weave textile fibres (both vegetable and animal) or will make a primitive loom together.

Junior and senior secondary schools

With specific activities and terms according to students’ ages and study fields
From silk to my jeans
3-hour guided visit and role play
Starting from an investigation about silk and the history of textile world, work and rights from 19th century to nowadays, students will question about the origins and the manufacturing stages of today’s clothes through a role play.